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Annie Teresa (Nan) Whyte

Whyte, nee Ross (Portaferry).  Died 1st April 2014.  Annie Teresa (Nan), beloved wife of the late Joe.  Her remains will leave John Smith Funeral Home, 91a High Street, Portaferry on Friday 4th April at 9.30am to St. Patrick’s Church, Ballyphilip for Requiem Mass at 10am...

May Cherry

Cherry, May nee Ross.  Died 30th March 2014, at her home, 8 Duff Avenue, Portaferry. R.I.P. Much loved and devoted mother of Joanne and Maeve. Funeral from her home Tuesday 1st April at 10.30am to St Patrick’s Church, Ballyphilip for Requiem Mass at 11 o’clock....